We are proud to announce that the importance of the research coming from HIGHCARE group has gained further international recognition: recently, the clinical recommendations for high altitude exposure of individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions were published in the European Heart Journal, the leading journal in the field of cardiology in Europe. The authors’ list includes […]
More HIGHCARE papers published, new projects on the horizon
The huge amount of data collected during previous HIGHCARE expeditions allows us to maintain the flow of scientific production, as documented by publications in high impact journals. In particular, the data from HIGHCARE-ANDES on the performance in six minute walk test of hypertensive patients exposed to high altitude were published in the International Journal Of […]

New publication
The results of a substudy of HIGHCARE-ANDES dedicated to blood pressure response to exercise at high altitude have been recently published in JACC. To all our readers best wishes of Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

New publications
The scientific productivity of HIGHCARE projects is not declining. We have recently published the main results of HIGHCARE-ANDES Lowlanders Study (Bilo et al. Hypertension. 2015;65(6):1266-72). Moreover the paper presenting the results of an echocardiography substudy of HIGHCARE-Himalaya has been accepted for publication in European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging. We have also published a review […]